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5 5 Getting Into Prides
by Umbra
Aug 1, 2006 10:48:03 GMT -5
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17 20 Limano's Character
by skyedive1
Aug 25, 2012 15:09:52 GMT -5
No New Posts History - 1 Viewing

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The Prides

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No New Posts Indigo Pride - 1 Viewing

Indigo pride is the largest, with lush streams and rivers flowing through it with bountiful amounts of game-although the fish themselves range in the hundreds, and can make any lion quite fat and happy. There is a large cliff in the middle of the area that a waterfall cascades over and splashes into a lake.






4 15 Challenging for your land...
by simonella
Jul 7, 2010 15:10:03 GMT -5
No New Posts Golden Pride - 1 Viewing

The Golden pride is several miles worth of savanna, with yellow and golden grasses and water holes. Elephants particularly like to roam here. It is often hot here because they're aren’t many trees about, but a large section of the land has grasses as tall as seven feet high, which many lions see as a fitful hunting ground and a place to go to escape the burning hours of the day.






2 2 Amani comes
by foxlion
Sept 7, 2007 12:50:51 GMT -5
No New Posts Emerald Pride - 1 Viewing

Right across from the Indigo pride is the Emerald pride, a jungle land with many, many thick trees and plenty of wildlife. This pride is also useful for finding different types of plants and flowers, which come in handy for medicine cats.

King: Suivasev



Lionesses: Nienna


Moderator: Umbra

2 7 Entering
by Flamewolf
Aug 6, 2006 15:24:20 GMT -5
No New Posts Crimson Pride - 2 Viewing

This pride is located by the Golden pride, and is pretty much considered a barren desert, getting it's name by the red tint in the sand. The earth is boiling hot during the day, and bitterly cold at night, and the only shelter from it is the FireCaslte, which is made up of many caves and tunnels that run within a plateau. Some chambers lead to small pools of water, others are used for storing food, and even more are used for dens. The only place fit for proper hunting is the three-mile borderline between the Golden and Crimson pride.

King: Brone





2 2 Looking for the Desert king
by daiga
Aug 11, 2007 17:42:28 GMT -5
No New Posts Violet Oasis - 1 Viewing

Considered by most to be the most beautiful place within the whole land, the Violet Oasis is vast; trees provide cool shade, the grasses are simply too soft for words, the water crisp, clear and cool, and the area simply is thriving with prey. It gets its name from a massive waterfall that, for some reason by moonlight, makes the water turn a violet shade. Sounds like a relaxing place to go right? Don't be fooled; for this is where the rouges have decided to take home to. If you are not a rouge, you should always take great caution while coming here, for almost everyone here do not take kindly to pridelanders and aimless wanderers.


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Free Land

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No New Posts The Claiming Path - 1 Viewing

On the very edge of the Free land is the Claiming Path, a grassy place with a wide, worn looking trail, as though many had passed here before. This is where all loners come to find a pride.

7 48 A Lonely Young Lioness
by cat4ave
Aug 25, 2012 17:57:05 GMT -5
No New Posts Game Grounds - 1 Viewing

A wide area with plains and many trees. This is considered the best place in the Neutral lands to hunt game.

3 3 Why the Fish Laughed
by wydy2009
Feb 28, 2009 4:13:52 GMT -5
No New Posts Stellar Hill - 1 Viewing

The Stellar Hill is an area with lush meadow with a thin stream flowing through it. There are no trees for cover, and a single massive hill towers over everything. This is where all of the prides meet once in awhile to share news and reports with each other. This is a peaceful area, no fighting is allowed.

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No New Posts Free Ravine - 1 Viewing

Located next to the Stellar Hill, lions often come to the ravine to talk and get to know each other, be them from the same or different prides.

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No New Posts White Beach

A beach with soft, powdery white sands that is littered with seashells and prints of others. Rocks and boulders rest near the waters which are constantly rippling back and forth off the shore.

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No New Posts Behemoth Mountains - 1 Viewing

These mountains are rocky and jagged, but have several flat trails trailing up and down the mountains. Only male lions may come here.

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No New Posts Fea Forest - 1 Viewing

A small forested area that is unusually calm and quiet, considered to be quite peaceful. Only females may enter.

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No New Posts Flowered Valley

A large valley known for it's many, many assortment of colorful flowers and trees. This is usually where lions come to breed.

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No New Posts Hidden Bracken - 1 Viewing

Located within Flowered Valley is a small, secluded area filled with bracken. If a lioness chooses not to give birth within her own pride, she may come here to kit in peace. No males are allowed.

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No New Posts White Pool

In an isolated area of the land, there is a cave mouth nestled within a hill, with trees hanging over the top and the grasses growing so high it's difficult to notice at all. But once you slip inside, there is a narrow tunnel that slips into the underground, leading you eventually to a chamber. The only thing here is a large, crystal clear pool of water, but with a soft glow of light around it. It is said that the spirit of a lioness lives within these waters, and may give you a mystical gift.

1 1 Amani
by foxlion
Sept 7, 2007 12:57:43 GMT -5

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Moderator: Umbra

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18 18 Amortentia | animation personified potterverse
by animation meets potterverse
May 17, 2013 21:23:40 GMT -5
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